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Request Data from the TRY Database

Data requests provide customized access to the trait records in the TRY database, based on selected traits and species or datasets. The use of TRY data is defined by the Intellectual Property Guidelines (IPG) of the TRY initiative. By default trait records are publicly available (open access) under a CC BY license. For records temporarily restricted you need permission by data owners.

The following sites will guide you through the process:

  1. Accept the intellectual property guidelines
  2. Select traits (and optional species) or dataset
  3. Provide a short description of your project (optional; however this is relevant to convince data contributors to provide permission for restricted data)
  4. Add co-authors to your project (optional; name, affiliation, email address)

Once your request is completed TRY will inform the data contributors. If you request only public data, these will be released as soon as possible (data processing may take some time). If you also request restricted data, TRY will ask for permissions and the contributors will respond within two weeks.

Data release will include the trait records for which you have permission and all related context information. This document (pdf) describes the format of the released data.

You will be the PI of the request. This cannot be changed, because you will sign the IPG in the process. You are also responsible that your coauthors accept the IPG. Finally you will be the person who gets data and is contacted by TRY and/or data contributors.

Registration is required to continue. If you are not registered yet, please register now.

Data requests have been tested thoroughly. However, if you run into problems, please do contact us! Thank you!

Recommended way to get data from TRY

Not recommended
only useful for special purposes
e.g. re-analysis of a selected dataset

Disclaimer Page calls: 159729 Gerhard Boenisch, Jens Kattge, created 2011-12-01, modified 2019-03-11