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Only number of measurements etc. presented - no trait values |
Data ExplorerThe Data Explorer enables you to search the TRY database and provides information about the content of the TRY database with respect to traits, species, original datasets and regions. Trait values are available at Get Data.
This website is based on database version 6.0 from 2022-10-13, and Data Explorer version 5.7 from 2019-03-26. Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is the hard- and software of the data explorer?How has the data exolorer been tested? Why is the data explorer not as fast as Google? What is the difference between measurement and observation? What database is the Data Explorer based on? |
Disclaimer | Page calls: 1455676 | Gerhard Boenisch, Jens Kattge, created 2011-07-27, modified 2017-10-16 |